Request for accreditation with StartupCA to learn howbeing a StartupCA Accredited Chartered Accountant adds great value to theirprofession to serve high quality of professional services.

Accreditation Process
1. Application
Get started by submitting your Expression of Interest. The Registrar will evaluate in conjunction with the CEAC and upon receiving Pre-Approval status, you will receive an invitation to submit an application.
2. Self Study
This is a 3-step process that culminates in a site visit by a team comprised of academic reps, an Environmental Professional and an accreditation rep.
3. Program Assessment
There are two decision-meetings that occur annually in which applicants are reviewed. If a favourable decision has been made, the Registrar will notify you and grant a term of up to 7 years.
Build Trust as a SCA AccreditationProgram
StartupCA accreditation is an important recognition because it gives the assurance to the clients, in particular to prospective clients, that you, as an accredited member, meet quality standards and give best professional services.
Fundamentally, accreditation helps your organization provide quality services for the people you serve. At FOCUS, we help you map out a direction for optimal organizational health and for ensuring you provide quality services. By the end of the accreditation process, you’ll have strong internal alignment, a roadmap to organizational success, increased accountability to stakeholders and funders, receive an accreditation award that recognizes your accreditation status and most importantly, you’ll enhance your quality of service, and the quality of life for the people you serve.
Benefits of the Accreditation from StartupCA
Benefits of the Accreditation from StartupCA
For more than 5 years, the StartupCA brand has been interchangeable with trustworthiness. When potential clients or customers see our appreciableStartupCASeal attached to your Accredited Business, they know you or your firm maintains high ethical standards and your business practices will meet or exceed their expectations.This Accreditation increases competence and credibility in the industry of the members.
Online Exposure
Every Accredited member receives a customizable StartupCAProfile, which includes Client reviews and the ability for potential customers to immediately request a quote for your services. Accredited members are also listed in our online StartupCA portal where he can get more exposure to grow his online practices.
Conflict Resolution
StartupCAmay intervene in several ways in the resolution of conflict within the different layers of the accredited members. StartupCAmay arbitrate disputes between members and/or clients. StartupCAmay guide and support the accredited members during periods of serious difficulty, potential liability, insecurity of continuation. StartupCAadvice will be always aimed to preserve the members and client welfare.
An Accredited member going through the self-assessment process guided by StartupCAwill learn how to further enhance its quality of professional services, how to improve its internal and administrative processes and how to optimize its overall outcome.
Quality Control
StartupCAaccreditation does not only assurance a warranty of quality, integrity and administrative responsibility of the its accredited members, but also ensures a continuous quality monitoring and feedback. StartupCA welcomes complains, suggestions and comments related to any accredited member and those comments, suggestions provide a useful and quick feedback to the members about actions it conducts and also efficient to help the accredited member in detecting problems as well as to monitor that professional standards are respected.
Tools to Help You Build Customer Trust
Best Way to Help You Build and Grow Your Practice and Customer Trust
StartupCA interchangeable with trustworthiness has over a year of customer trust behind it and is recognized
as the sign of credibility and integrity that only accreditedmembers can provide.
As an Accredited member, you also receive exclusive access to valuable resources and benefits.
StartupCAprovides workshops, webinars, newsletters, and other various features to accredited memberfor help your firm gain a competitive advantage and be more credible with customers that
- A link to Professional profile to showcase your expertise to grow your practice.
- Offering invaluable insights into the realities of a career in chartered accountancy.
- Hotlink to your account reps for personal StartupCAassistance
- Professional development: Preparing you to successfully handle different situations that you’ll encounter throughout your Professional Career.
- Ethics and professional scepticism – providing you with the skills to work under close scrutiny and be confident you are making the right decisions.
- Develop the finance talent your business needs with our credibility and trusted resources

Eligibility criteria
Only members of the ICAI in practice which fulfil the following requirements are eligible to apply for accreditation:
- An eligible member can be Individual, Sole proprietorship firm, partnership firm, LLP properly authorized to do practice in India having professional degrees, certificates or other educational or professional credentials which is necessary and should be member of StartupCA(Click here for apply Membership).
- Any member of ICAI in practice that intends to earn the accreditation status from StartupCA must demonstrate ability and competency with compliance, through the application for accreditation (Self-Assessment Report) and this accreditation focuses on high quality and best standard of professional service to the society.
In order to achieve the SCAAP Qualification, students have to- Complete a maximum of accrediated exams, depending on prior experience and qualifications
- complete an Ethics and Professional Skills module
- Evidencefive years of practice work experience within a relevant role.
- Exemption accreditation enables SCAAP to award a specific level of exemption to FCA of an ICAI programme following a full assessment of the programme’s regulations, syllabus and assessments
- The StartupCAhas prepared an application for accreditation that will guide the applicant in the preparation of the Self-Assessment Report and the required documentary evidence (Certificate of Practice). The applicant can fill online application form for accreditationthrough, or regular mail at This application is a legally binding contract between the StartupCA and the applicant that states the rights and obligations of both parties.The StartupCAwill not start any accreditation process without the corresponding application. (Click here for Accreditation)
- There are two options available forCA in practice to being eligible for StartupCA accreditation:
- It should be member of ICAI and must be in practice for Five(5) years or more and get 60% score in self-assessment report set by StartupCA or,
- If he did not complete Five (5) years in practice, he should get more than 75% score in self-assessment report set by StartupCA.
- A CA in practice that would like to enter the accreditation process as toget of accreditation must submit an accreditation form for review which issubject to approval by us and submission an eligibility application for accreditation as the first step toward StartupCAaccreditation.
- A preliminary review of the eligibility application is conducted by StartupCAExecutive. If the application is determined to include all necessary information, it will be escalated to the Initial Accreditation Committee for a final decision.
- A CA will receive an official letter through mail from StartupCA informing that its eligibility application has been approved and certificate of accreditation will be issue.
- An accredited member requires re-accreditation review every 1 year that should be proceeded with strict review and guideline with customer feedback.
- No accreditation fees will be paid or levied to apply the accreditation application of StartupCA, it is a milestone to maintain the credibility of CA and integrity of customers
- StartupCA may withdraw accreditation of an accredited member for sufficient cause, including a determination by StartupCA that accreditedmember no longer meets or fulfill the requirements for accreditation or any malpractices encounter by StartupCAteam after the approval of accreditation, accreditation may be revoked after proper enquiry.
- If deemed necessary, the StartupCA may require an interview with the accredited member or arrange a site visit for a member. This action is usually scheduled if the material provided by the applicant is insufficient for a clear judgment, or for further clarification about specific accreditation standards. Usually one day interview or visit will be enough to resolve any concerns.
- Not Transferable: Noaccredited member can transfer his accreditation to any other person.
- 1StartupCA committed to sustaining quality and continuous improvement in all aspects. StartupCA will receive and review complaints filed by third parties or clients who claim conduct by the member contrary to standards, policies or procedures and acknowledge receipts of complaints within 7 days, but will not respond to complaints that are not submitted in writing or anonymous complaints.
What is exemption accreditation? +
Why does SCAAP award exemption?+
What is an accredited institution?+
SCAAP can accredit the following types of qualifications for exemption:
- • Certificates
- • Diplomas
- • Foundation degrees
- • Bachelor degrees
- • Postgraduate qualifications
- • Professional qualifications
What supporting documentation is required?+
- • Detailed programme structure, including full list of options and elective papers
- • Syllabus details for all modules with relevance to any of SCAAP Applied Skills and Applied Knowledge exams
- • Pilot/live examination papers for all modules with relevance to any Applied Skills and Applied Knowledge exams
- • Where appropriate, a copy of the articulation/franchise agreement between the awarding body, and the educational institution that is delivering the programme.