Our Services

We brings together the People &Business redefining the global Finance - Tech Startup Ecosystem.

We Ideate, Prototype, Validate and Launch

The challenges of maintaining a start-up or a building business or actually any Growing Startup face a range of challenges! Managing a business's accounts, Finances, compliances, corporate administration,due diligence requirement, Startup Funding and tending to key strategies are significant task and one can't bear the cost of ignorance in these scope.

Startup-CA is a Business Consulting platform and web-based aggregator in India for early-stage Start-ups for SMEs. Startup-CA is represented considerable authority in establishing the entire suite of services for creating any form of a business entity like Online Company Registration, Private Limited Company Registration, by offering end to end solutions such as Incubator for startups,accelerator program, ecosystem startup, business plan for startup, financial projections for startups.

We’v been serving the Enterprises with complete Startup Ecosystem of our services

We are focusing on the latest technologies, trends and innovations with the best and brightest minds to make sustainable business since 2017

Business Incorporation

The key elements to put together your choice with respect to the Business Incorporation which includes (Online Company Registration, New Company Registration, Firm Registration, Business Registration, Private Limited Company Registration, One Person Company, Partnership Firm Registration, Proprietorship Firm Registration) and strengthen as a base foundation of the business structure provide, start-up costs, the consistent work included and the expense favourable circumstances advertised. Startup-CA offers affordable, snappy and automated proficient professional services to growing Startup entrepreneurs.

Funding And Valuation

We help early-stage Startup and Growth stage who are looking for funds to scale up the business up to the best potential by offering Business Debt Funding, Business Valuation Services, and Startup Valuation.Startup CA has the best platform for funding related to different domains, industry, vertical, Startup to raise investment capital such a Venture Capital Funding, Angel Investment Private equity, Startup Debt Funding. Startup-CA assures up to Rs.1 crore per Startupas a seed funding and has opened up many more options with other financing and funding alternatives through its partnership with VCs and Angel investor networks.

Compliances MCA Services

All Private Limited companies in India are governed by the MCA under the Companies Act, 2013. Every company, post incorporation, has to fulfil some, mandatory legal compliances like ROC annual filing, MCA, investment due diligence, statutory audit of company, compliance for private company, annual reporting. The compliance requirements are complex with each falling on different due dates and failing to meet them in a timely manner can greatly impact a company.Companiesshould undergo Company law, ROC statuary and mandatory compliance services by the professional Chartered accountant experts including One Person Company Annual Filing, Private Limited Company Annual Filing & Compliances, , Filing Annual Return, XBRL annual filingetc.

Consultation and Advisory (Business Consultation) || Due Diligence

We offer Consultation and Advisory for business includingDue Diligence by doing research and assessment of the transaction involved in the financial and business relationships before going forward in investment processes, raising capital, venture, business association or bank credit keeping in mind the end goal to decide the estimation of the subject of the due persistence or whether there are any significant issues or potential issues. It is an extensive list but not exhaustive and all applicable depending on the company. Founders & management team should consider preparing and organizing themselves with the below to make the process as smooth as possible.

CFO Services

Startup Business can also utilize virtual CFO services to give a strong support to ongoing business activates. Virtual CFO services can be offered either remotely or through adedicated professional from CA backgrounds. Some businesses, such as Start-ups and SMEs, may not have the necessary resources to hire an in-house Chief Financial Officer (CFO) that helps in building financial strategy by implementing advanced forecasts or systems, help a company overcome a financial challenge such as cash flow management, financial planning, Budgeting, or unsustainable growth, get through an event such as an audit or capital raise, or to help achieve a goal such investment planning, as preparing for a IPO or exist strategies or which would able to deliver consistent business support for


Startup CA work as leading virtual incubator for Startup or getting incubated managed by corporations, educational institutions or Startup Hub Incubation Centre across Indiathat provide an ecosystem for Startup by providing services such as Startup consulting, mentoring, Incubation Program, seed funding for Startup, management training and office spaceOur Incubation Program is designed to give equal emphasis on leadership and venture growth in collaboration with usually non-profit organizations such as IIT Ecells, Virtual Startup Incubation Centre, biggest business incubator in India. We help the early stage Startup which can used the opportunity in collaborative environment with the industry leader and other growing early stage Startup, accelerator working with emerging technologies.

Why StartUp CA ?

Startup-CA Definitely Filled A Gap for Startup Who Are On Their Way to Growth Stage and Gave Us A Great Platform to Explore Possibilities in Scaling Business.



Our Team has extensive experience of over 12 years collectively dedicatedly working with Startup this is total team strength of more than 358 professionals include CA, CS & Advocates.



Startup has a diverse experience in partnership with best professional in world class global organizations to manage regulatory compliances in setting up company formation and its continuous business execution.



StartupCA extends comprehensive professional services encompassing Startup consulting, Product Development, Project Consulting, Project Management, Accounting, Taxation, Secretarial Compliance, Reporting, Legal, Project Advisory etc.



StartupCA committed to ensure integrity, confidentiality and privacy of clients. We follows strict protocol on securing client's information to ensure that all critical information shared to us should kept secure&safe.We always abide by our Policy of Confidentiality and insist on signing NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement and confidentiality Agreement).



We are using disrupting technology to developed customer centric CRM based services since first introduction to web based file management system and workflow assessmentprocesses. We use cloud tech information management and reporting systems in collaboration with AWS. This model giver power to clients in local management &ownership of activities of their company, but central administrative staff to retain control.



We offer clientsbest Chartered Accountant services at lowest pricing offered. Shiftthe work on us & focus on your business expansion &core strength. While we do adopt the best CA practices & ensure highest efficient and accuracy, our services offering vs cost only justified by our commitment and determination over the current market cost. We can help you bring down theupfront costs occurring while growing your business operations.

About this Page Services

The Startup India registration comes with many benefits that Startup can avail by registering the business entity under the Startup India registration scheme. Startup CA is an online platform offering registration in Startup India Scheme to avail Startup India Recognition Certificate for new company registration. We render a better, faster, and reasonable online Startup India Registration Services. Selecting the right business structure for acompany is as critical as any other businessrelated activity. Having the right business structure will help your company/Startup to grow efficiently & meet your required business objective. In India, every company must register under Company Act 2013 as part of the mandatory legal compliance. Before we learn how to register a company, let’s try and understand the types of business registration process in India. A new company registration can be done by Startup CA as per the MCA law and procedure followed as per the company ACT. Whether you want to register your company as a partnership firm, Proprietorship Firm Registration, an LLC, or as a limited company, Private limited company registration (Pvt Ltd Company) public limited company registration, One person Company Registration, GST Registration Startup CA handles the entire work quickly. There are several ways to register your business depending upon the structure of your business and if you won’t protect your business’s intellectual property on a state or national level you must go for trademark Registration and free patent registration services. Every investor or Startupdo online Patent Search to confirm whethertheinnovation/invention does not fall under breach of other earlier patented innovations. An authentic invention is the intellectual property right of an innovatorthat helps the inventors to do a search and show the synthesize result. Startup CA is a platform where you can register your patent for free in comparison to its driven benefits cost of patent registration by fast Track patent registration process. Asper company ACT a business venture is considered as a separate legal entity from its founders or Directors. Company has directors (company officers) and stakeholders(shareholders) those individual is considered as an employee of the company. There are different methods to calculate the worth of a company which including researching the book value, market capitalization, discounted cash flow, liquidation value and earning multipliers. Valuation also helps business owners plan for taxation, mergers, acquisitions, sales, funding, gifting, disputes and more. We extended the scope of our services as business valuations for our client’s specific needs and the purpose of the engagement and depending upon the type of startup like Private Limited Company. Companies and enterprises should consider how often firms are interested in diluting or selling to achieve the necessary capital expenditure number. These business valuation services also enable potential investors to analyse focused start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises. We offer valuation services along with Due diligence Services that help to understand the overview of the company with additional support, including serving as an expert witness at trial. Our core team is well versed and proficient experts who understand the fact that due diligence services is important exercise for Startup, business andcorporate houses and that it can make or break an organization. We analyse all the point of metrics with due weightage; hence our evaluation is extensive and comprehensive.

The best way to learn about the Startup journey is to hear it first-hand from those who have experienced it.