Business agreement

15 Critical Startup Legal Document Templates

Save time and legal fees spent on these documents and deploy these resources to Scale your Startup.

Open Source Startup Legal Documents

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National Defence Academy

Service Level Agreement

Memorandum of Understanding

Measurement System Analysis

Third Party Collaboration

Agency Agreement

An Agency Agreement is formed out of the legal relationship between the Principal and the Agent whereby the agent is authorized by the principal to act on his behalf under certain circumstances and is paid for the work. This means that the principal has the authority over the agent. An Agent Agreement is called an Agency Contract and it states the functions the Agent has to perform for the principal.

Equipment Lease Agreement

Offer letter or an Agency Agreement is formed out of the legal relationship between the principal and the agent whereby the agent is authorized by the principal to act on his behalf under certain circumstances and is paid for the work. This means that the principal has the authority over the Agent. An agent agreement is called an Agency Contract and it states the functions the Agent has to perform for the principal.

Breach of Contract Notice

A notice of Breach of Contract is a legal document which specifies the breach of contract between the two parties. It is used to inform a party that it is in a breach of contract with the other. A contract breach usually takes one of the three forms: Failure to perform as promised. Making it impossible for the o ther party to perform. An indication that the party does not intend to perform as promised.


A Copyright Assignment Agreement is a legal document containing the provisions of the transfer of copyright ownership rights from one person/party to another, in writing and signed by the owner or its authorized agent. The Agreement contains records of both ownership and transfer and protects the rights of all parties. The person who obtains the rights is known as the Assignee and the person who sells his rights is known as the Assignor. The Assignee pays the fees to the Assignor for obtaining the rights..


A Copyright Assignment Agreement is a legal document containing the provisions of the transfer of copyright ownership rights from one person/party to another, in writing and signed by the owner or its authorized agent. The Agreement contains records of both ownership and transfer and protects the rights of all parties. The person who obtains the rights is known as the Assignee and the person who sells his rights is known as the Assignor. The Assignee pays the fees to the Assignor for obtaining the rights..


A Copyright Assignment Agreement is a legal document containing the provisions of the transfer of copyright ownership rights from one person/party to another, in writing and signed by the owner or its authorized agent. The Agreement contains records of both ownership and transfer and protects the rights of all parties. The person who obtains the rights is known as the Assignee and the person who sells his rights is known as the Assignor. The Assignee pays the fees to the Assignor for obtaining the rights.


Founders Agreement

A founders agreement is an agreement entered into by the founders of the company in order to have an open and honest discussion of the aspirations, fears and attitudes of individuals involved.

Share Purchase Agreement

A share purchase agreement is an agreement used for transfer of shares form one party to another. It is a written proof that contains the buyer & seller details, number of share, price, covenants & undertaking of the company & seller, rights & warranties of buyer, confidentiality & termination details.

Invitation Bid Letter

A share purchase agreement is an agreement used for transfer of shares form one party to another. It is a written proof that contains the buyer & seller details, number of share, price, covenants & undertaking of the company & seller, rights & warranties of buyer, confidentiality & termination details.

Franchise Agreement

It is a legal contract between a franchisor and a franchisee. The agreement’s content can vary depending upon the franchise’s system, the state jurisdiction of the franchisor, the franchisee, and the arbitrator. It provides the investor with a product, a branded name and recognition, and a support system. Franchise Agreement is done by LegalRaasta

Service Complaint / Adjustment Request

offer letter or an employment offer letter is a letter which is handed to the person who is being hired by the company with all the terms and conditions mentioned in it. This letter briefly describes the position for which a person is being hired, location of the job, starting date, salary and other information related to the job. It is customary for a candidate accepting the job offer to sign a copy of the letter and return the same to the employer within the time period mentioned in the job offer letter. These letters are printed on the letterhead of the company and are signed by the manager or the HR of the company.

Software Distribution Agreement

A Software Distribution Agreement is a legal document by which the provider of the software and the distributor enter into an agreement wherein the distributor is required to distribute the software of the manufacturer. There are two types of distribution agreement: Exclusive and Non-exclusive agreements. In an Exclusive Distribution Agreement, the specified distributor is the sole vendor and has the right to sell the software within specified geographical boundaries, while in a Non-Exclusive Distribution Agreement, the provider can supply the software to other distributors too.

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