To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to manufacture, produce, design, develop, modify, build, encourage, refine, repair, process, prepare, fabricate, alter, dismantle, provide, exchange, remove, set, convert, finish, polish, cut, fit, trim, contract, sub-contract, supply, turn to account, let on hire, buy, sell, import, export, wholesale, retail and to act as agent, broker, adatia, job worker, consignor, contractor, vendor, collaborator, stockists, distributor or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, designs, applications, combinations & uses of apparel, ornaments, gems, jewelers, goods, watches, clocks, cutllories, fabrics, utensils, antiques, articles & things, their parts, accessories, fittings, components, ingredients and materials thereof made partly or wholly of gold, silver, platinum or other precious, imitation, synthetic, natural or other varieties of stones and materials whatsoever and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of above objects.