Object Details

Animal products

To carry on in India or else where the business to manufacture, establish, produce, process, protect, preserve, manage, tin-pack, clean, commercialise, cure, cut, powder, treat, disinfect and to act as agent, broker, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, consultant, job worker, market man or otherwise to deal in all types of animal products, by-products, and waste including brush from brush making hairs and bristles of pigs, hogs, and boars, horse hair and horse hair waste, guts, bladders and stomach of animals, snews and tendons and similar waste or raw hides and skins, feather and other parts of birds bones and horn cones of animals, horns, antlers, hooves, nails, claws and beaks of animals, ivory, its powder and waste, tortoise shell, claws and waste of tortoise shell, fats of brovine cattle, sheep or goats, lard steari, oleosearin and tallow stearin, landoil, oleco oil and fallow oil, fats and oils of fish and marine mammals or vegetable oils and fats, sausages and the like material of meat, meat offal or animal blood, meat extracts and meat juices, fish extracts, prepared or preserved fish including caviar and caviar substitutes, crustaceans and mollases prepared or preserved and other similar and allied goods, articles and things and to do all such incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of the above objects.