Real estate ? sale and resale
To carry on the business of builders, contractors, erectors, construction of buildings, houses. apartments, structures, or residential, office, industrial, institutional, or commercial or developers of housing schemes, townships, holiday resorts, hotels, motels and in particular preparing of building sites, constructing, reconstructing, erecting, altering, improving, enlarging, developing, decorating, furnishing and maintaining of structures, flats, houses, factories, shops, offices, garages, ware houses, buildings works, work shops, hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, godowns, and other commercial, educational purposes, and conveniences to purchases for development investment or for resale lands, houses, buildings, structures and other properties of any nature and any interest therein and purchase, sell and deal in free hold and lease hold land and to make advances upon the security of lands, houses, structures and other property and to purchase, sell lease, hire, purchase, exchange or otherwise deal in land and house property whether real or personal and to turn the same into account as may seem expedient in any part of the world.