To carry on in India or abroad the business to manufacture, produce, prepare, promote, polish, assemble, alter, build, brand, mould, convert, commercialize, dismantle, design, develop, dress, discover, fit, establish, erect, equip, fabricate, finish, print, repair, recondition, remodel, stretch, stitch, import, export, buy, sell, resale, distribute, display, demonstrate, and to act as agent, broker, adatia, C & F agent, stockists, franchiser, representative, advisor, consultant or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, modalities, uses and descriptions of manual, semi automatic, automatic, electronic, battery operated, electrically operated, sound operated remote control, mechanical or other sorts of toys, barbies, monuments, games, articles or things, their components, parts, fittings & accessories whether made of plastic, wood, paper, rubber, cloth, clay, ceramic, soil, plaster of paris, metal, glass, acrylic, fiber, or other natural or synthetic material or with any combination thereof and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of above objects.