Object Details

Travelling agency

To promote, represent, organize, undertake, establish, conduct, handle, arrange, manage, own, operate, participate, facilitate, sponsor, encourage & provide the business as package tour operators for religious, educational & picnic purposes; daily passenger service operators, conducted tour operators; travelling agent for booking and reserving accommodations, seats, berths, compartments, coupes, complete bogies on railways, motor ships, motor boats, airplanes, steamships, motor bus and omnibuses; vehicle booking agent, hotel booking agents; authorised railway ticket booking agent, ship booking agent, authorised airlines ticket booking agent, representatives of other travelling agencies, courier service agents, correspondents, parcel & postage booking agents, telephone booth operators to provide necessary services for passport & visa; to handle conferences and meetings; to handle inward foreign tourist activities in India and abroad; to provide for guides, safe deposits & baggage transport; to act as an agent of bankers and to arrange travelers' cheques, coupon drafts and other modes of foreign exchange on their behalf; to publish magazines, bulletins & other literatures for tourism; export & import agent and to own, engage, hire, let on hire, contract or arrange buses, coaches, bogies, charter flights, helicopters, motor launchers, boats, taxies, rickshaws, tangas, baggies and other vehicles for tourists & passengers and to provide such facilities for national & international tourists as may be incidental or necessary for the accomplishment of above objects.