Object Details

Diamond, precious, semi-precious stones

To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to manufacture, produce, process, prepare, commercialise, cut, polish, set, design, display, exchange, examine, finish, grind, grade, assort, import, export, buy, sell, resale, demonstrate, market and to act as agent, broker, indentor, liasioner, adatias, representative, C & F agents, export house, valuer, sales promoter, supplier, provider, merchants, stockists, distributor, wholesaler, retailer or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, description, specifications, applications & designs of rough, raw, cut, uncut, polished or processed, natural & man made precious semiprecious & natural stones such as diamonds, ruby, pearls, gemstones, blue sapphires, cat's eye stone, coral, topaz, opal, zircon, tourmaline, jade, spinel ruby, aquamarine, turquoise, peidot, agate, garnet, corundum, amethyst, malachite, citrine, alexendrite, smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, onyx, moon stone, jasper, blood stone, gold stone, bismuth, jet, diopside, tiger eye, sunstone, spinal, jews stone, load stoner, sardonex, touch stone, amber and their ornaments, jewelleries, articles, goods, or things, made in the combination of gold, silver, platinum, or other metals, and alloys thereof and for the purpose to act as goldsmith, silversmith, jewelers, gem merchants, electroplaters, polishers, purifiers, and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of above objects.