Engineering advisor
To carry on the business, as producers, makers, analysers, investigators and consultants in public health and environmental engineering, water, air and land pollution control, industrial engineering and for the purpose to carry on civil, structural, mechanical, chemical electrical, metallurgical, hydraulic, ecological or any other branches of engineering and science and to develop and/or provide technical or industrial know-how, formula, process and applied technology and to act as engineers, architects, planners designers, technical advisers, analysers, investigators, consultants, contractors, builders, fabricators, founders manufacturers and suppliers of all kinds of plants, machines, apparatuses, implements, rolling stock chemicals and their derivative products or substances necessary, allied auxiliary or ancillary thereto and to undertake and execute any contract in connection with the main objects and to buy, sell, import, ex-port, build, process, manufacture, fabricate, alter, repair, convert, let on hire and deal in all or any of them and to carry on any other business which may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with all or any of the aforesaid business or is calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the same.