A Business Idea Is NOT A VENTURE


How to test a product concept to Get Market Validation for your new business Startup Ideas

A walkthrough of lean Startup principals followed by mastering the best Startup ideas Validation tool observed with support of using every participant filling out their lean canvas online and creating an business plan execution to validate your Startup idea.





The Idea Validation Workshop focus the on four different stages to work outthe Lean Startup Validation Process. Once you have passed all Test & Validation stages of your idea, you can be assure that your product idea is worth developing

Startup Idea validation tool created by world leader to help Startup Entrepreneurs

An Ideas for Startup is an argument, it’s a hypothesis – if you build this, and People will buy it. If Customer buy it, you can build a company around it

Test & Validate Your Startup Idea or Product in 4 WAYS

Idea Validation Process: How to Validate a Idea in Implementation Business Startup Plan

Problem Statement: Validating the Problem for Startup Idea

As validation of problem is not a one-time task but a continuous process that should go parallel
to the building the product or service based Startup by using Value Proposition lean Startup canvas


Idea validation process

8% of Startup fail because they burn out before they become Startup venture. Here are some inputs that can help you stay focus through an idea validation process. Identify a set of relevant problems, identified and not, that you can solve more efficiently.

  • Be as critical as possible : Enthusiasm &Inspiration are essential for entrepreneurship. The truth is that even for a best Startup ideas, there are a lot of bad options.
  • Be simple: The hypotheses should redefinedexperience in a particular way. Yet, the most essential factor is to keep Idea validation processeffective.
  • Be Organized: Working in Startup ecosystem helps to build your goals and hypotheses. Make sure yourentrepreneurship ideaswill calledworld best business opportunities to work for if you willbe disciplined.
  • Pay attention to mistakes by other: There is Economical way to learn and improve using lean canvas online. Learn from otherStartup entrepreneurs about the critical mistakes they faced during their early stages of Idea execution.
  • Use affinity mapping to sort your evidence and identify themes

Problem Statement: Validating the Problem for Startup Idea

There are things you should think about throughout the process of designing product to ensure you are
creating a best Startup ideas


Create a Product Validation Checklist:

Idea validation tool is a significant part of the Customer Development framework.

  • Adopter categories and social Ecosystems – How fascinating is your product idea to the relevant customer categories?
  • Compatibility – Is your Startup product perceived to be smooth with the needs of potential Customer?
  • Relative advantage – Is the product ideas perceived to outperform to the competition landscape? How is it perceived to be better? Is it actually the best Startup product Idea?
  • Complexity – Is the product easy to understand or does it require extra knowledge and skills?
  • Trial ability – Can your offering be trial or beta MVP before making a purchase?
  • Observability – Are the benefits of your product service offering visible for others?

Validating the Market

(Without actually getting paid customer, the market validation is incomplete. Make sure, the idea behind creating the proof of concept is ‘will people buy the product?’ and ‘what’s the maximum competitive price they will pay?’)


Define an innovation

Solve a New Problem the very old way? Or solve old business problem in a new way? Focus on creating value you offer, however not the existing market players for now.

  • Target market ⁠— how to find and what to focus on?: Design a Desirability experiment to test your most important hypothesis
  • How to identify a customer’s business challenge?: Identify Desirability hypotheses underlying your Product idea
  • How to find a new solution? Build the Proof of Concept to run your experiment by making Minimum Viable Product
  • How to find a value proposition? Get out of the building and test your hypothesis with real people or build customer acquisition strategy
  • How to make sure about Innovative business ideas, product/market fit? Identify current problem that your idea might solve by using affinity mapping to sort your evidence.

Validating Business model vs pricing:

You want your potential customers to put skin in the business. Your goal is to get customer to
actually willing to buying the product – or at the at least to get your customer to express the strong interest in it.


Building a Startup Financial Model That Works:

You can’t cover the whole market from the early beginning. But you can gradually build and scale if the product perform well. Where does your client work? What is the size of his or her company? Which industry? And so on.

  • Will People Buy My Product: Identifying how to service the customers and understanding to their needs, evaluating their feedback into building prototype is critical when you are validate the market?
  • Survey the Market insight: You can conduct the survey, create prototypes, or build an MVP, test hypotheses, and unique value proposition of your product.
  • Develop a value proposition. What benefits can a user get from using your product in contrast to existing solutions?
  • Processing with feedback. The result of validation is to get customers’ feedback on the key inputs provided during early launch.
  • Consumer’s personal price points: how do you make sure your prices of product strike this balance? By knowing how much your customers are willing to pay for your service.

Who should attend


Understand the future viability of your business idea. Use your time efficiently to engage in the right experiments. Communicate your ideas clearly through the evidence to turn your side hustle into a business.

Corporate Teams

Clarify the testing processes. Build an innovation practice. Communicate evidence and progress to the stakeholders. Find the right experiments for the next big risk.


Identify the biggest risk to your business. Reduce risk by generating concrete evidence. Communicate evidence and align with the co-founders or other stakeholders. Place small bets to grow your business on the right path to scale.

You'll Get 24 Validation Experiments


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What You’ll Get

You’ll acquire the tools and processes needed to reduce the risk & uncertainty of new ideas:
  • Reduce the risk of costly failure through a systematic testing process
  • Make testing a repeatable process in your organization: team design, stakeholder communication, experiment flow, and measuring progress
  • Identify the right experiment for your riskiest hypotheses from a library of Desirability, Viability and Feasibility experiments
  • How to start with small bets and increase spending on your journey from discovery to validated business idea
  • Design experiments that produce the market feedback you need to learn whether your idea works or not

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