By Nida Fatima. 29 September 2020
How do I take an idea and turn it into a product?

10 measures on how to break the design  into brass tacks build it up, and bring it on the market. The task of the start-up the product manager is to formulate product policy, analysis, and product description, and direct the tactical implementation of products from the start-up to start-up. Here's the method I'm going through to get an insight into the market. Inside each step, there's a lot of variety. I'm not going to get into it, so I'm going to give you an outline of my method to help someone with less experience better appreciate the day-to-day problems.

How I go about it   At, we produce goods that make it easy for workers that work in an office. In the example below, when I say "space," I'm talking about spaces in an office — like a conference hall.  

1. Grasp the definition and break it down:
Finding and using the proper room should be frictionless. The concept would be unique to our area of job strategies for workers. You're going to have entirely different thoughts, but you should break them down in a common way to determine what to ship. Let's split this idea down into something special. 

Finding: Employees/users need to find rooms. How are they going to do that now? Apply the workflow to an adjacent concept. What tools do we use to discover such things? How can you find a meeting space close to finding your gate at the airport or the pub where you meet your friends?

Usage: Users have a distinct function to locate space. People use space differently, and different spaces are constructed for different purposes. What are the patterns? Should we combine these behaviors into fundamental constructs of behavioral templates so that we can understand how our customers think?

Right space: it's close to the one above it (using it). However, it expresses that there might be "false" spaces at least in certain cases.

Shall: Shall! Should = Should do that. This could mean a degree of appropriate process/experience imperfection.

Frictionless: What's the feeling of today? What's causing friction? What type of pressure should be eliminated?

2. Study the actual experience of the customer from a high stage
The bulk of workers today find a workplace in three ways. Next, they're looking around from their chair to see which rooms are available. Second, in Outlook, they compare the room schedules to see what's not planned. The issue is — the calendars are only 65 percent correct. Finally, they wander around the office until they reach an open space, sometimes peeping into the windows to see if they're open.

3. Mash the experience of the current consumer with the concept
What kind of pressure should be eliminated from this experience? Let's focus on the consumer who goes around the office to find a space. In order to remove the aimless search, the consumer needs to know the appropriate room that suits their needs. They will then walk straight to the correct space and use it without the friction of searching other spaces.

Goal: Consumer knows the right space knows if it's accessible to use, and knows how to get there — as easy and effortless as possible.

You have now taken a concept and developed a design vision for a particular product or feature. You need to know the users incredibly well to be effective at Phases 2 & 3. If you don't — begin to interview them.

4. Define and communicate
Ideation is enjoyable, so you get to come up with all types of ideas and iterate over them. I suggest turning at the surrounding sectors to find trends and comparisons that can be extended to the microcosm. Be sure to have a range of disciplines in these workshops so that you can learn from a variety of viewpoints. There's a lot of tools for how to do this, but I'm not going to go into depth. After you've been dreaming of a solution, that's when the hard part starts.

5. Describe the product and organize the troops.
From here on, there's the brass tacks — the nitty-gritty — the weeds; and it's where many PMS get confused and frustrated if they're not vigilant.  

Start with the specifications and designs of the product. Product specifications detail the challenges and customer experiences that you're trying to fix. It should include practical actions, an explanation of edge cases, and any other criteria that the technical team requires. Your level of detail here depends on your technical team — does what it takes to be successful.

Then encourage technical conversations and get them excited about the product's effects. You're going to have to consider how the research team is thinking about solving the problem. Engineering's imagination is going to affect your innovation and design choices.

On the rally of the troops: whether they want something to resume, or to be happy that they have done something worthwhile — people want to operate on meaningful goods. Rally them about the effect they should have.

6. Testing and selling
Next, build, validate, and iterate until you have something that users can find useful and valuable. Testing and iteration not only strengthens the product but creates trust across the teams. Morgan Williams is my UX buddy, and he's incredibly smart, which helps me a lot. The explanation he's so nice is because he's self-conscious of what he's observing and what he's believing. He also worked a lot to better his art. Invest the time to learn how to do this right.
In conjunction with research, you need to sell the concept, the approach, and the effect that this project would bring. This correspondence should contain things that are important to the company. Some rely heavily on objective research and some anticipate a briefing on how the company's goal will be impacted. Identify and deliver what the business wants.

7. Break down the task
Sit down with the engineering and complexity of the actual project objectives. Milestones break down into the individual tickets/stories that the developer is attempting to create. You probably have to do this in a startup in collaboration with an infrastructure boss, since you won't have a project manager.

8. Organize the operation of the cross-team
There's a lot going on in managing cross-team execution — but the main aspect is the ability to connect openly and efficiently. Effectively, that ensures that other people accept you. If they don't — it's your fault as a product manager, not yours. You own the commodity, the contact, and the timelines.

There's a lot going on in managing cross-team execution — but the main aspect is the ability to connect openly and efficiently.  

 9. Beta  
When you have a working product, you will also continue to beta-testing it. I am also learning how to run powerful and reliable beta programs. The best beta projects I've run so far have regular and constant feedback with the users, strong metrics to see what's going on with the application, and well-established learning that can be added to the product.

10. Organize and implement the Go-to-Market strategy
It's awesome going to the store. I've had the chance to do it a lot of times now, and every time I do it a little differently, depending on what I've experienced along the way. The secret is contact and understanding what's going on in your business. Luckily, you've got marketing and distribution tools to assist you to do this. These discussions should commence in phase 5.

Eventually — track and make yourself accountable   Have you made the best decisions? Be frank, and ideally — use data to report accurately on the success of your product. Many startups do not have accurate consumption data. In that situation, jump to sales and service calls. Figure out who uses it and what their background is. Get the details from these discussions and report on them.   on the evolution of connectivity   Throughout this whole process, you would need to speak with the organization about your product (the choices you made, the status of your product, etc.). Every startup is different, every team is different. Study how each team interacts and improves communication to fulfill their needs. Startups often adapt rapidly — so learn to grow fast.

Then, what were we building?  
We developed an app that shows a map or an official list of rooms and other spaces colored green or red, signaling real-time availability. Companies hang it around the workplace on TVs and customers merely have to pass by one to know the right room, know if it's available to use, and know-how to get there.

We've named it the Flight board.   Image for article   Flight board early version   This work is the only one I know where you need to be both visionary and realistic on a regular basis. Your employees depend on you to grasp both the mission and the obstacles they face now. As a startup PM, I've struggled a number of times and had to grow rapidly to keep up. What I've found is that product management essentially leads the company by representing any single unit. The task of a start-up product manager is to establish product policy, analysis, and product description, and oversee the operational implementation of products from start-up to go-to-market. Here's the method I'm going through to get an insight into the market.