The Hacker’s Guide to Investors
Investors think differently. Armed with an intuition about
people, they make ultra-risky decisions even by a founder’s standards. If you
understand how investors think, though, you can negotiate with them.
Investors seem mysterious. They only approach you if you are
already making it big. You can’t talk to them through their website. They don’t
answer emails. To the average person, though, even their existence is somewhat
of a mystery. Why do they put a lot of money into young companies when they
could just be investing in the stock market?
Investors exist to make money. Venture capitalists and angel
investors exist to make money orders of magnitude bigger than the money to be
made elsewhere, legally. So why doesn’t everyone do it? Because venture capital
and angel investing is extremely risky.
How Investors Think
If you want to understand how Venture Capitals think, you
need to understand what they worry about. Their first worry is raising a fund.
Without a fund, they are not a VC. They raise a fund by persuading people at
bigger funds, think pension funds, to give them money. For that, you need to
appear trustworthy and show that you have a track record of good returns.
The track record is the second thing a VC has to worry
about. It’s their portfolio – all the companies they’ve invested in. A VC can’t
point to an individual successful company to prove that they are a good VC. A
single successful company doesn’t show that their good judgment is consistent.
Instead, they want a certain percentage of their portfolio to be doing really
Now that you know what a VC worries about, you can figure
out what they think. They need to be a really good judge of people, especially
when they don’t understand the technology or the business. They need to avoid
the thousands of people who want to pitch their startups only to waste the VC’s
time. At the same time, they need to know when a startup is becoming hot,
earlier than the other VCs so they can get the deal. Since most startups will
fail and therefore are a waste of time, they probably only take meetings with
people who are recommended by other VCs they trust.
In the rare case that a quiet but wildly successful startup
like WhatsApp is not trying to raise VC money at all, they would pursue them
and persuade them to take the money. They would go through people they know and
eventually physically show up at their office.
Lastly, Venture capital gets a seat with almost every
investment. Having some control over the startup due to having some board
seats. With the board seat comes the responsibility to attend board meetings.
Whether you are Venture capital with a 10% or a 30% stake, you have got to sit
through the same meetings every month. So VCs tend to want to invest more money
per deal so that they can get a larger return for the same amount of work.
If you want to contract with a Venture capital, remember
that their goal is to maximize the profit. That is why they are ready to take
the risk, and that is why you should show them that whether they invest or not,
your company will grow exponentially. Big return. They need to feel that they
should better invest now, or the opportunity will be gone.